What is Collaborative Leadership?

“Collaborative leaders celebrate differences
& use diversity as a strategic advantage.”
~ Jesse Stoner

According to Jesse Stoner in her post, Let’s Stop Confusing Cooperation and Teamwork with Collaboration, “Collaboration is working together to create something new in support of a shared vision.” It is a very intentional process, and the key is that something new is created and that it is a collective process, rather than achieved through any individual effort.

Through sound, image, and three rounds of stimulating conversation with participants of different ages and perspectives, this Wiser Together Cafe will explore what collaborative leadership might look like when we work together across generations.

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For further reading, see:
What Collaborative Leaders Know, by Jesse Stoner
What Collaborative Leaders Do, by Jesse Stoner
Four Steps Toward Collaborative Leadership, by Jesse Stoner

Amy LenzoWhat is Collaborative Leadership?